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Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw on leadership

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw on leadership I had a chance to read this article recently and just loved the way he describes leadership...

Monday, February 01, 2010

Will Matrix be a reality?

We can see next real MATRIX PART with real imagination, someone insert a wire into our brain and wooooosh we are off to another world where we can learn anything by just click of button, any art such as Kung-Fu or Fly a Helicopter. I am not joking but this is becoming reality.

An indian start up company has started working on that and soon we can see our brain information copied to computer.

An IT startup in Technopark, Kerala will be working on the Blue Brain Project, the world's first comprehensive attempt to reverse-engineer the mammalian brain. The cost of the project is $3 billion and is expected to complete by 2018. It is an international project, propelled by Swiss Federal Institute, and involves several countries and ethics monitoring by UN bodies.

The whole idea for this project is that mental illness, memory and perception triggered by neurons and electric signals could be soon treated with a supercomputer that models all the 1,000,000 million synapses of brain.

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