You can dynamically add text box on runtime when you click on add Button.
Assume you need to create a text box and on run time when you click on add button.
Create a for loop around the text box and on click of the add button increment the for loop condition variable.
for Example.
for(int i=0;i<=count;i++){
text box code.....
Add Button.(onClick="javascript:reloadPage();");
when the add button is clicked in the javascript code resubmit to the page.
On top of the page in scriptlet have a variable called count initialise to 1.
for Example: int count = 1;
When the page reloads increment the count with 1. like count++;
Now the count will be 2 and in forloop 2 text box will be created.
If u need the value of the 1st text box to retain. Take that value in request and reassign to the text box.
For text box have the variable as textbox<%=i%>
So each time the loop comes it will create dynamic text box.