If there is an opportunity to win 10 point y miss the bus.
I have been using Netbeans for over a year now. I believe the best feature that netbeans has is the support for swings. I have created couple of project as a hobby and have posted it in sourceforge.
http://prabeshb.sourceforge.net/ . This is a very small utility for finding similar word in different files. I was able to make this utility in very short time and with great quality.
Creating application in netbeans is one of the easiest. To create a project click on File > New Project. You can use short cut keys also to create the project Ctrl + shift + N. Once you click on the New Project, a dialogue window opens which contains many options for creating project. There are not only java application that can be created but also web application, mobility, UML, SOA, Ruby, C/C++ etc. To create a java swings application click on the Java category and select the Java Desktop Application menu under the projects section as shown in the project below.
Click on the next button and you can mention the project name and project location. After you enter the project details on click of finish button the base class and the layout is created by netbeans. So you need not worry about creating the layout and initial setting. The design view is displayed as the finish button is clicked. On the right hand side there are many palettes available that can be dragged and dropped. The drag and drop feature is very useful when creating the application. Simply drag the controls and place it where ever you like in the base panel and that will be stuck to that location. You can alter the location of the control by simply dragging the control. The figure below shows the different section for the netbeans IDE.
To run the application I prefer shortcut keys. To run the application you can use the F6 key. As you click the key the classes will start to compile and the output will be popped up. To clean and make a fresh build you can use Shift + F11.
I hope these small tips and quick guide will help you create wonderful desktop application. Do let me know if anyone needs any information or help in creating desktop application. I will be overjoyed to help you. You can write to me at:prabeshb@gmail.com
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